Thursday, October 22, 2009

First Encounters...

My six best friends from high school and I have been emailing on an email chain for years. They were first with our college emails, but once we switched over to gmail I started archiving the old ones. Yesterday I thought to check if I had any saved from when I met Mr Pug. And yes- I DID! I briefly mentioned that we had gone out for our first date but there was a cute one following about our second date:

Updating- my date was amazing! Like I said we met Friday, hung out for like hours… it was awesome. So he tells me he's going to Louisville Saturday night for a bachelor party but he'll call me when he gets back Sunday. So he does and we go get some Chinese for dinner and then talk so much through dinner that we missed the movie we wanted to see! So then we go to my place to watch one instead, and my DVD player in the living room won't work. I mean, seriously. So we have to watch in my room- I thought it would be hella awkward but it wasn't. We end up talking through the whole movie, and long after, and before I know it, it's one in the morning. I was like ohmygosh I have to go to bed! I was like 98% sure he was somewhat into me at least after Friday, but now it's obvious we're both into each other. We're going to the movies tonight and he's taking me to lunch from work on Wednesday! Gahh! To describe: (guy from our high school)-ish, maybe a little taller. Suchhh a cute lil mischevious smile. If any of you were still on MySpace you could see the comment he left me. But yea he's absolutely adorable and I'm crossing my fingers.

Cute right? It brought back all those butterflies I got when I met him. Oh, and the pic? It is our first-ever pic together! We met out at a local bar one night and I snapped a few. Gosh I was skinny. The only con about being so tiny? I'm all nose! Yikes!

I'm glad I archive the email chain with my friends because of moments like these! I also save all the emails from Mr Pug. What mementos do you have from early-on in your relationship? I challenge you all to revisit and post something- a first picture, a love note, a yearbook signing, anything- to share with the other bloggers!


  1. This is adorable! I'm going to look through my old files and see if I can find something like this from back in the day :)

  2. I lived in Mexico for two months last year with a family & went to school there. Trey had NEVER sent an email until I left, and I saved all those he sent me. Email (daily) & Skype (every 3-5 days) were the only ways we could talk for TWO months, so we really only had the chance to say what was most important. The emails make my heart melt every time I read them :)

  3. First of all, that is so cute!!! Love it! But I'm so sad, I had all of the messages saved from My Space but when he deleted his My Space a couple years ago I never even thought about the fact that it would then delete all saved messages from him! :( I was so bummed... there were some cute ones. I will take the challenge on and see what I can find.

  4. How cool that you have that to look back on! Have you thought about trying to incorporate those into the wedding? When I met Ryan, we added each other to Facebook and messaged back and forth for weeks, I love reading through all of those old messages, it takes me right back just like you said!

  5. AWWW oh my gosh :) Too cute!! I save all of Rick's emails. I'll have to go back and look for some super old ones from when we first met and started to hang out. It's hard for us because we were friends for so long before we realized we were meant to be :)

  6. So cute, I love that you have a picture from so early in your relationship! I actually just wrote a post this morning and tried to dig up an early pic of my FI and I, but the oldest I could find was taken 7 months in.

  7. This freakin cracks me that you still have that email!!!!
