Thursday, February 11, 2010

Pissed Off Bride!

I have some pretty cool news to announce!

Super-awesome blogger Stacy (she's from You Can't Take It With You) and I have started a site that all you brides will love!

It's called Letters from a Pissed Off Bride. The site speaks for itself, but basically, it's a place for brides (engaged or married- just someone who's gone through it) to write a "letter," venting at the person, company, vendor, or anything that they wanted to go all Bridezilla on. As you can imagine I have a few I could write :) I already wrote one... see if you can guess which one up there is mine!

Stacy and I hope you'll check out the site, blog about it, share it with your friends, follow Pissed Off Bride on twitter (@PissedOffBride), comment on the letters that are up, and submit a letter or two! We can't wait to read them!


  1. Cool idea. I'll probably submit something. Only a month left.

  2. While I imagine that site is intended to be funny (and it is, for the most part) I'm not sure I'm a big fan. The first one I read "Evil Ginger Strikes Again" is very negative, mean and would be extremely hurtful to the "ginger" it's supposedly written about. I get that it's a venting tool, but the way the author criticized the other girl's wedding is equally as mean and she's doing the exact same thing to the girl who did it to her. The idea of the bride criticizing the "ginger" for having a wedding "outside of a barn in the wind with chipped paint folding chairs, trashy bridesmaids that didn’t fit in their dresses, barely enough food for everyone to eat, and water from the tap in the barn’s make shift kitchen" isn't really something to be laughed at.

    I think the point of independent wedding blogs is to encourage a sisterhood between brides and this site is scarier than the forums on The Knot. I'm not sure it's something we should encourage or approve of. Just my 2 cents.

  3. I'm so sorry... anonymous (glad you were brave enough to put your name.)

    The views of the brides are just that- their own views, not mine. The goal is to give these brides a place to vent so that they DON'T go crazy on the person they're writing to. I definitely don't agree with everything on the site. For example, I think barn weddings can be gorgeous (and something I wish I could have.) However no one should treat someone badly if they're not perfect (people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, right?) so I can see where that bride is coming from.

    Please remember that the point is a place for brides to anonymously vent, not a place to dictate what is right or wrong with weddings.

    Oh and next time you comment on my blog maybe be brave enough to say who you are. Nothing I hate more than anonymous complaints.


  4. Cowardly would be saying nothing at all. I can easily tell you my name, it's Mona and I only used anonymous because I'm not registered for an account. So your sarcasm and insult are somewhat unwarranted in that case.

    My point wasn't to complain, it was only to put in how I feel. I do think it has the potential to be a funny site, the idea has humor, I just don't think some of the execution does. I just think a sense of comradeship is more important than a venting website, that's all. Because if we (the collective population of brides and women) don't dictate what is right and wrong with weddings and how we all tend to criticize one another's weddings, who will?

    And I wasn't personally criticizing you for posting it, only the concept. Sorry if I offended you personally by posting a comment which was only meant to express my two cents.

  5. I think that idea behind the site is great. There were many times during the planning process that I would have liked to vent about particular people and felt that I couldn't because although they didn't "follow" my blog, they had the address and what if the day that I decided to vent about them was the ONE day that they checked in?

    I couldn't do it...therefore, I get the concept. Cool idea!

  6. Potential to be funny? I put it out there, they submit, we post. The only thing I do is post 'em. No other way to execute it. If you don't feel comradely towards a post, don't comment. Like I said, I agree with some, I disagree with others, but I respect that they're writing a letter instead of blowing up at the person/company/thing that's irking them.

    I truly am sorry that you don't like it, but just remember it's all in good fun and you don't have to read it if you don't want to!


  7. Haha, neat idea. What bride couldn't use more venting time. Thanks for sharing!

  8. I don't think people who write childish letters behind the backs of the people they're complaining about deserve to be respected, that's all. I think they should be mature enough to calmly express their feelings to others. Submitting to a website solves nothing.

  9. Personally, I think having a wedding outside in the cold, with not enough food and water is pretty rude. So I think a guest would have the right to complain about that wedding.

    I definitely recommend the creators put a disclaimer on their site though that says the views of this site are not those of the creators and they are submitted from other brides.

  10. I see it no than writing in a diary. For example in my entry, there is no changing the person and I respect and love them so I am getting it out without unnecessarily upsetting them. Submitting DOES solve something - gets it off your chest and hopefully helps you then move past it. Like internet therapy.

    In any case, Anonymous-Mona... agree to disagree! SMOOCHIES!


  11. Anonymous -- Submitting to a website keeps them from saying it to the other person. There are times when you just need to get your opinions down somewhere. It's a good way of stress relief. Why do you think people keep journals?

  12. I just have to say that I personally think it's an awesome idea, and I'm super excited about it. I can't wait to get started on my letter. ;-)

    I think it's a really great way to vent feelings without actually going off on anyone. Sometimes things are better left alone, but you still need to get your feelings out there!

  13. Good point Ashley! (We are always looking for ways to improve the site like that.) We'll be adding that on the about page and submission page. Thanks so much!


  14. OH MY GOSH!!! I have someone to write one to from when I was planning! YAY!! haha

    And to our previous homeowners .. but I am not sure that counts. ;)

  15. Honestly, I think it's all in good fun and respectfully, Mona, I think you need to lighten up. Who's to say those brides haven't discussed their feelings with the offending parties? Just because they wrote a letter to the site does NOT mean they didn't speak up about the issues at hand in real life. They're just funny letters to a website, not even full-on stories about the events taking place. I think of the site more like or FAIL Blog...good for a laugh and not to be taken too seriously.

  16. I'm sure I could fill up that entire website with FMIL vents! :/... thank goodness we're only a montha away, I don't know how much longer I could handle this!

  17. Hi all :) As someone whose letter is up on the site I wanted to comment here too once I saw a storm brewing. I got SO MUCH support from the blogging community during my wedding planning and afterwards too! I had issues, I spoke to the appropriate parties and sadly nothing was resolved. It was super frustrating for me. It was part of my wedding that I felt I couldn't really describe in 100% honesty on my blog because my blog isn't from an anonymous viewpoint. My friends, my family and some of my vendors were avid readers of my blog. When KJPugs let me know about Pissed Off Bride, I was so excited!! Finally a place to put some of my pent up frustration and anger that wouldn't hurt anyone, would give others a laugh and also let other brides and wives know they aren't alone in their wedding planning struggles :)

  18. I have about forty letters I could write for your site. Great idea!

  19. As some one who submitted a letter, obviously I LOVE the site. While I've had a relatively easy time planning my wedding, it hasn't been without it's bumps in the road. The site is a great place to write freely, something I absolutely cannot do on my blog (or on Twitter/Facebook). And honestly, even the *nicest* person gets pissed once in a while. Lol, I could write a lot about why it's a great idea, but I'll just stop. I think you and Stacy are doing a great job :)

  20. Um, am I stupid? I had no idea it was you and Stacy who started that site! I love it!! I might just have to write one to the stupid coordinator at our venue.

  21. I think this is a great idea! I read through all of the posts and they're pretty funny and entertaining! Sometimes brides just need to get their frustrations out. There's nothing wrong with that and no one is getting hurt. It's all in good fun and oh man, I can totally relate to so many of those posts. I would love to write one to the rude girl at the jewelry store who messed up my ring order 3 times and then when I finally went to pick it up, she had the balls to tell me that she tried on my ring when it came back in from the jeweler. grrr. I'm so glad she got fired.

  22. I think you should make a similar site for bridesmaids!

  23. Bridesmaids could totally submit too! We don't discriminate, yo!


  24. wow heated drama on this post! I think it sounds like a great idea to have a place for brides and bloggers to vent's also great for brides to see other people's perspectives too...because you never know when you may be accidentally offending someone.

  25. What I love about this concept is that while some letters funny or tongue in cheek; some are expressing very real and raw emotions. I ache for those women who have difficulty dealing with their future in-laws or who have lost friendships during wedding planning. Kinda reminds me of POST SECRET but wedding focused which satisfies the voyeur in me and makes me sooo thankful that I'm not dealing with some of the stuff other brides are dealing with! God bless us ALL! :o)

    Either way, it's def on my Google reader. Thanks for doing this and keep it coming!
